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Eco-thinking and Informal Science Learning

As founding co-editors, we welcome you to the launch of the International Journal of Informal Science and Environmental Learning (IJISEL). These are exciting times to begin a new journal that focuses on informal science and environmental learning.


GateKeepers to Science and Engineering

Informal Science and Engineering Educator Roles in Positioning and Recognizing Girls’ Identity Performances

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Environmental Impact, Successes, and Challenges of a Statewide Green Schools Program

LThis paper evaluates the affect that Green School programs have on their local environment. The design of this study includes the assumption that Green School programs not only benefit students and teachers


Informal science educator professional identity: Perceptions of NGSS, work with teachers, and the centrality of place

This paper presents the results of a survey

and interview study with informal science educators in a state in the U.S. Midwest.

Using a sociocultural framing of identity, we examined the values and positioning

of ISErs through two avenues: their work with teachers, and the role of place/content

in their work.


Lessons Learned in Building a sustainable and Meaningful cooperative Outreach Program

In the United States there is a growing sentiment that scientists conducting primary research with public funding should also be directly engaged in science education through outreach to the community and public schools



Eco-thinking and Informal Science Learning

As founding co-editors, we welcome you to the launch of the International Journal of Informal Science and Environmental Learning (IJISEL). These are exciting times to begin a new journal that focuses on informal science and environmental learning.


Engaging the Urban Classroom with the Natural World 

In this paper, the authors discuss an environmental education learning frame- work which was developed for an experiential course (an “[Un]Class”). 


A Model for the Development of Evaluation
Literacy in Informal Science Educators

This article reflects on the implementation
of three separate evaluation capacity building (ECB) efforts at informal science
learning organizations in order to inform a new model for developing informal science
educators’ evaluation literacy.


“Grandma says I am a little scientist.”  Apprenticeship, Photo-Storytelling, and Identity: A Science Educator’s Culturally Situated Auto-Ethnographic Family Case Study

In this two and half year case study, I used auto ethnography to explore my dual identities as a science educator and grandmother to guide my granddaughter’s explicit early STEM identity development as she baked Sabbath bread with me.


Learning and Becoming in Movement at the Intersection of Formal and Informal Science

This paper builds on the policy statement of the Informal Science Education “Ad Hoc” Committee (Dierking et al., 2003), and unpacks what a convincing story of real world and lifelong learning in science might entail, as called for in the policy document.


Encouraging parental guidance for young
children’s learning in science through an outreach
program in playgroups

This article explores the impact of an outreach program into community playgroups
on parents’ role in promoting young children’s (3-4 years old) engagement
with science.



Paths Toward Hybridity between Equity and Field-Based Environmental Education for Novice Science Teachers

It has become increasingly critical that we no longer consider environmental and social justice issues separately. Well-researched examples of real-world paths toward hybridizing equity and field-based teaching in science education are rare, yet are especially important now, not only as we move towards anti-racist pedagogy, but also in response to the global pandemic and climate change. 


Rebuilding Our Teams to Be Critically Conscious in Our Educational Work

This paper builds on the policy statement of the Informal Science Education “Ad

Hoc” Committee (Dierking et al., 2003), and unpacks what a convincing story of

real world and lifelong learning in science might entail, as called for in the policy



Making, Materiality & Power

Engaging minoritized youth in making to produce 3D or digital artifacts using a range of material tools in makerspaces have been deemed promising in democratizing STEM education. 


Symbiosis between EE and SE

Cognitive learning in ‘green’ education modules feeds its success from a host of predictor variables. In our present study, we focused on the relation between environmental attitude sets and fascination with biology and their impact on biodiversity-related learning 


Learning from sustainability enactment grounded in Māori worldviews within education settings in Aotearoa New Zealand

Recent events have highlighted multiple crises of related to social justice, environmental sustainability, and the wider wellbeing of humanity. Education for sustainable development (ESD) has been a key plank of the United Nations’ endeavours towards social, cultural, economic, and ecological justice.

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