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This edited volume engages in specific connections between pop culture, curriculum, and pedagogy, asking questions about how we are made through what we watch, read, listen to, consume, and love. Framed by post-humanist ideas, the authors pose questions about the educability of those on the outside of humanity, and about how the ways we imagine structures, institutions, and configurations beyond what seems possible may inform the work and thinking we are currently engaged in. The book has contributions from scholars inspired by post-humanism, africanfuturisms, speculative fiction, cyborg studies, and decolonial studies, among others.
The volume concludes with a conversation with Prof. Jack Halberstam (Columbia University), one the foremost scholars in cultural studies, queer theories, and popular culture, providing a fascinating dialogue with the field of education.

Daniel Friedrich is an Associate Professor of Curriculum and Director of the Doctoral Program in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching at Teachers College, Columbia University. A former primary school teacher in Argentina, Prof. Friedrich has published extensively in the fields of Curriculum Studies, Teacher Education, and Comparative and International Education. His first book, Democratic Education as a Curricular Problem, was published by Routledge in 2014, and his co-edited volume, Resonances of El Chavo del Ocho in Latin American Childhood, Schooling, and Society was published by Bloomsbury Academic in English and by CLACSO in Spanish. Prof. Friedrich is one of the co-founders of the Post-Foundational Approaches to Comparative and International Education Special Interest Group at the Comparative and International Education Society, and one of the co-editors of the series New Directions in Comparative and International Education for Bloomsbury Academic. Prof. Friedrich is utterly unable to stop reading comics and watching silly TV.
Jordan Corson is an Assistant Professor of Education and affiliated faculty member of both Migration Studies and the M.A. in Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Stockton University. He recently completed his doctorate at Teachers College, Columbia University, where he defended his dissertation, Undocumented Educations: Everyday Educational Practices of Recently Immigrated Youth Beyond Inclusion/Exclusion. Jordan has published research in the fields of education and philosophy, anthropology and education, and teacher education. His research takes up ethnographic and historical methods to interrogate issues of transnational migration and educational theory through anti-colonial and abolitionist praxis.
Deirdre Hollman is a doctoral student in social studies education at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her work focuses on critical social studies curriculum and teaching; historical, racial, and visual literacies; cultural studies; and speculative thought in education. She has a B.A. in art history from Princeton University, a M.S.Ed. in museum education from Bank Street College, and an Ed.M. from Teachers College. She served as Director of Education and Exhibitions at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture for fifteen years where she created and sustained innovative programs such as the Junior Scholars Program, the Teen Curators Program, the Black History 360° Summer Education Institute, and the Black Comic Book Festival. Her recent publications include "Critical Race Comics: Teaching Black Subjectivities and Racial Literacy" (2021) in the Journal of Curriculum & Pedagogy. She is a teacher educator whose courses include Ethnic Studies, Diversity in the Social Studies Curriculum, Social Studies Methods, and Critical Race Comics: The African American Experience. She is an educational consultant specializing in culturally relevant and sustaining curriculum and pedagogy for museums, cultural institutions, community-based organizations, and schools. She is also the founder of the Black Comics Collective, a cultural, educational, and digital forum for connecting comic creators of color with the youth and communities in New York City.