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Surviving School as a Dyslexic Teenager

A Guide for Parents and their Teenage Children


By Neil Alexander-Passe


Surviving School as a Dyslexic Teenager is an easy to read book looking at the coping/defence strategies used by teenagers both in and outside school.

Understanding where these coping/defence strategies have come from (home influences, primary school, peer relationships, parent’s own diagnosed/undiagnosed dyslexia) and giving help, common sense, tips, and career/college/university advice.

This book is aimed at parents, educators, and dyslexic teenagers themselves.


What makes this book so unique and something that families with teenagers with dyslexia should seek out and read? One feature that particularly appealed to me was the handy tips provided at the end of each chapter.


If you’re seeking inspiring content to help you realise the potential of a teenager with dyslexia I cannot recommend this too highly.


From the foreword by

Angela Fawcett, Emeritus Professor, Swansea University, Vice President, British Dyslexia Association.

Surviving School as a Dyslexic Teenager

SKU: 978-1-64504-050-7
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