ADHD and Crime
Dr Neil Alexander-Passe’s call to action is appropriate and justified, no matter how uncomfortable it may make policy makers and those working in education, social or health care and justice feel. Dr Phillip Anderton is a former senior police officer and renowned expert on the links between ADHD and crime.
ADHD: School, Addiction, and Possible Pathways to Crime
Everybody working in the criminal justice system will also benefit from understanding more about the connection between ADHD and offending. This subject matter desperately needs to be read by anybody working with children and teenagers who have ADHD.
An Anthology of Non-Conformism
Through a multiplicity of voices and journeys, this anthology highlights the everyday lives, experiences, energies and spirits of non-conformist wom!n (i.e., women, womyn, womxn—however, self-identified) from around the globe.
Building Bridges
This book provides a potpourri of some of the ideas communicated at the 11th WEEC. At the same time, it could be interpreted as a reflection of its “building bridges” theme: it contains chapters reflecting ESE policy, theory, research, and practice. It may be a wild collection, but we hope you will find it inspiring.
Enabling pedagogy and Action Research in Higher Education
This book provides a theoretically grounded comprehensive guide for those seeking to enhance their teaching, solve problems commonly found in higher education classrooms, and counter deficit views of diverse learners.
Sticky Situations
"Sticky Situations" explores counselors' experiences as both providers and clients, addressing personal, professional, ethical, and legal challenges while highlighting the impact of biases and discrimination, and offering best practices for working with fellow professionals, emphasizing ethical considerations and culturally responsive interventions.